I saw a "Turkish" movie today- Despero. Yes, it's American. But it was completely dubbed in Turkish, without subtitles, so I didn't understand a word. My review? It looked cute. Either way, I got to spend some time wit
With my mind already tired from trying to make sense of the movie, we rode the minibus home. During this, the bus driver suddenly yelled something in Turkish. Everyone around me who was also standing suddenly ducked down and kneeled on the floor. A few seconds later, I followed suit. There had been a little road rage incident immediately preceding this, so I was confused and a little nervous. I knew neither Beste (little sister) nor my host mom could explain what happened, so I remained confused. It turns out (another fun fact), minibuses aren't allowed to carry standing riders, so whenever they pass a police car, everyone standing has to duck. Apparently the Turkish aren't very keen on following laws.
Since I spent most of my day at home, I thought it fitting to post a picture of the view from this wonderful place. =)
That's a pretty picture! Did you use special settings?