Of course, the day isn't over yet. But only 2 of them rated over a 3.0 on the Richter scale. Still, that's a lot of moving Earth. (Don't believe me? http://www.koeri.boun.edu.tr/scripts/lst9.asp It's in Turkish, but you'll get the gist.)
In other news, tomorrow is my last day at this particular school. I really like the school and the teacher, but I'll be glad to not have to travel an hour and a half back and forth everyday. If they find the ingredients, we'll be making Rice Krispie Treats for my "traditional" American food. If not, it'll be more singing and yelling.
One of the other trainees that got here a couple days before me has already been sick twice. I haven't gotten sick at all. That makes me feel proud of myself for some reason.
Tomorrow I will attend my first AIESEC meeting in a country other than the U.S. Already AIESEC U.S. is a sad, sad attempt at what AIESEC should be. I'm sure tomorrow will confirm that. Meetings are always followed with an activity of some sort, i.e. dinner, bar, movie, etc. I'm excited to see everyone I just met again.
Turkish words I learned today: bebeğim- baby/babe, türkçe bilmiyorum- i don't know Turkish, şerefe- cheers!, and hacı - kind of like "brother" but not in the sibling sense.
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